For pupils and staffs safety social distancing Should be compulsory especially in high schools. I think if Classes require high school pupils to sit next to each other and distancing is not possible (maths and English Etc they sit shoulder to shoulder) then I personally think they should wear masks indoors as this is very close proximity and they are young adults.
Agreed. Infection rates are going up in schools and the trope that there’s no evidence of schools transmission is shown to be false. Teachers are having to self-isolate because of a 17 year old sitting at the front of the class who tests positive. All pupils sitting in proximity to that pupil are told to self-isolate. We need distancing, fewer secondary kids in class, and more classrooms/teachers to facilitate this.
Posted by VictoriaW October 06, 2020 at 17:14
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Posted by Bobsyeruncle October 06, 2020 at 19:17
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