Stop restricting workplaces - people are losing their jobs!
Workplaces have the power to enforce behaviours and implement procedures and other controls so there is no need to lockdown or close most workplaces. we have been operating as close to normal as possible for months and not one person has had the virus out of 50 employees. thats the 50 employees that are left after we had to make 30 redundant.
Considering the virus carries a 99% recovery rate i am sure every employee would rather have covid for 1 week than lose their employment and livelihood - some forever!
Considering the virus carries a 99% recovery rate i am sure every employee would rather have covid for 1 week than lose their employment and livelihood - some forever!
Why the contribution is important
People would rather have a job and risk getting covid than lose their jobs and still risk having covid. the cure shouldn't be worse than the disease!
by POTUS45 on October 06, 2020 at 11:20AM
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