Stop tarring all hospitality venues with the same brush

We run an extremely Covid secure restaurant, we have distance, one way systems, ventilation, track and trace system, traffic light system, temperature checking and many other procedures in place, but I am sick of the word "hospitality" becoming a dirty word and public actively discouraged to visit hospitality venues, why is a small day run tearoom put under the same umbrella as a late night pub/music venue with everything that falls in between. We are a massive contributed to the national and local economy but are painted as the villains of corona virus. Activate your EHO's to do unannounced spot checks on all their local venues to make sure of compliance and therefore preventing the "bad apples" of hospitality destroying the whole barrel.

Why the contribution is important

By continually painting all hospitality as the bad guy you are risking an industry that is not only a significant employer in Scotland but also the reduction in business, caused by unnecessary restrictions, I'd threatening this industry which also would have a massive impact on other supply chains and other industries.

by wgashi on October 05, 2020 at 06:34PM

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  • Posted by Ideas81 October 06, 2020 at 10:02

    Some venues/businesses have excellent measures in place. Fine/close the businesses which aren’t following the rules and are operating unsafely and use the money generated from the fines to support the businesses which are following the rules and operating safely
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