Suicides are rising. Enough is Enough.
Everyone is getting so fed up with this! We can’t live a normal life because of a virus that is never going to go away! We can argue and talk all day and night about how terrible the covid death rate has become again but not once have the government mentioned the impact it’s having on those with mental illness! People can’t see therapists, go to CBT, get a face to face appointment with a Doctor. Part of the recovery process is speaking to PEOPLE not a computer screen! Can’t see a medical professional one on one with safety measures in place but you can go to a packed bar or restaurant? It doesn’t make any sense! The suicide rates are rising and a lot of people are at the end of their tether so it’s only going to keep rising. Enough is enough. Get a vaccine rolled out or come up with a better plan! The restrictions clearly aren’t working.
Why the contribution is important
It’s important not to forget anyone in this equation. While we must protect everyone including the vulnerable and the elderly, we must remember those with hidden disabilities. We need to remind them it’s ok not to be ok now more than ever. This virus has brought nothing but ruin. It’s ruined families, the economy, the lives of those already struggling and it has been the death of many without Them catching it. I ask the first minister to remember it’s not just covid that’s killing people, it’s cancer, diabetes, suicides and as we come into flu season, even more. We have to face facts that we need to deal with other problems than covid as nothing is working!
by JC192 on October 06, 2020 at 11:36AM
Posted by Scottlebusiness October 06, 2020 at 12:20
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Posted by Pippa202 October 06, 2020 at 12:28
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Posted by GSS October 06, 2020 at 12:36
And don't wait for a vaccine which may not be 100% effective. Develop a 100% effective treatment and let people be the social animals they are
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Posted by netherlee October 06, 2020 at 20:23
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