Test everyone

I read that in Italy in some regions they are using 3-minute tests to check if students and teachers in schools have covid. I believe we should increase our test capacity and testing almost everyone so we can go on with our lives and stop closing activities. Plus it will be also useful to wear a mask outside too, at least until the end of winter/March and enforce it, rather than asking people to use common sense. And it should be a GP/ doctor decisions to determine who cannot use a mask.

Why the contribution is important

I believe we could go back to a some sort of normality.

by Levante on October 08, 2020 at 12:17PM

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  • Posted by Fionafrgsn October 08, 2020 at 14:47

    Absolutely agree. Italy have done so well despite having such a sad and tragic start when the North of the country was quite overwhelmed with cases. No one who ever saw it will ever forget the sad sight of military vehicles taking bodies out of Bergamo to be cremated elsewhere. Italy are now doing so well and it is high time we stopped trying to stick a plaster on it or shut the stable once the horse has bolted and take preventive measures. Testing is the key and will give us all the confidence to resume our normal lives and get the economy moving again.
  • Posted by Awsmith68 October 08, 2020 at 19:06

    We just don't have the capacity and im lead to understand that the 3 minute tests have an unacceptable false negativity rate.
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