Time slots for those at higher risk
I’m offices the plan was to have a red team and a blue team to divide exposure risk, supporting business continuity. This would be the same - dedicate time for those at higher risk to go
About their business. The rest of the time open everything up and let those who wish to go about their business in the full knowledge of the risks they are exposed to.
About their business. The rest of the time open everything up and let those who wish to go about their business in the full knowledge of the risks they are exposed to.
Why the contribution is important
Covid is here to stay, a vaccine could possibly not be viable. It’s about time we have a longer term framework that lets those willing to take the risk have some form of normality supporting the economy whilst introducing recommended protections for those who are at higher risk.
by Edwardrevels on October 06, 2020 at 07:12AM
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