Visiting family

I have a family of 3 outside London and it’s much harder to visit them than popping round the corner or down the street. I have already cancelled 2 flights and find it distressing not to be able to visit my only grandchild. I stay in the North East and am dreading not being able to go for my Christmas Break surely allowances can be made for the Christmas period 23rd to the 27th December:(

Why the contribution is important

Important for family & loved ones who live so far apart to be able to see one another at a special time and also for peace of mind

by anncow on October 06, 2020 at 04:06PM

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  • Posted by Singingbike October 06, 2020 at 16:35

    Whilst we are observing the no household visiting indoors, it really seems unreasonable that my son & family cannot visit in my home, where we can enforce 2 metre distancing & provide a separate toilet for them and yet we could all 6 of us go up to the pub and drink till 10 pm at only 1 metre distance from them and loads of strangers.
  • Posted by CC2187 October 06, 2020 at 16:41

    People should not be kept from their families any longer. It makes people’s life worth living.
  • Posted by Fionafrgsn October 08, 2020 at 15:21

    Totally agree. We are in control in our own homes but not when we are outside. I personally don’t want to go to a pub or a restaurant and feel safer at home. Yet I am going out for lunch on Monday. Why? Because it’s the only way I can see my son on his birthday. In a room full of strangers who may have Covid. I don’t want to take the risk but what’s the alternative? Is this sensible? Does this make sense? When, oh when will some common sense prevail? Two metres apart in my clean home should be allowed. Absolutely cruel keeping families apart when we need each other most. Even more cruel witnessing folk breaking the rules and getting away with it.
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