We should have the choice to live our lives again

These restrictions are brutal and cruel and, for many, life won't be worth living if they continue.

I have compassion for those who are petrified, although I don't think that's rational. But the facts of this situation won't change for another five years at best. Maybe ten. Maybe longer. And our response is a choice. It isn't necessary for us all to live in terror.

The Scottish Government needs to regain its respect for individuals. Let us choose. No more forcing. Just support for those who are afraid.

Why the contribution is important

If these restrictions continue, there is really no good reason to continue at all. We are a social species and we will get sick and die in long term isolation.

The mentality of lockdown is also extremely harmful for physical health. Scots need to be outside, exercising hard and eating healthily.

by Selina77 on October 06, 2020 at 08:57AM

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  • Posted by JenWilson October 06, 2020 at 09:21

    Protect the vulnerable and people who want to be protected, let the rest of us get on with our lives.
  • Posted by alanmacrae41 October 06, 2020 at 10:42

    Yes. Let people assess their own risk like they do with every other virus
  • Posted by netherlee October 06, 2020 at 20:43

    we need to get on with our lives, and take the risk of dying, like everyone does every day.
  • Posted by Robert866 October 07, 2020 at 17:44

    We absolutely need to get on with our lives. More people than ever before are quietly meeting family and breaking the rules in spite of what they may say in surveys. Anyone who opens their eyes can see that for themselves. The Government are in danger of losing support and once that happens it will impossible to regain.
  • Posted by Candy42 October 08, 2020 at 00:29

    Oh yes that's right (NOT) you want to get on with your lives and to heck with the rest of us, how about caring and looking out for each other & the vulnerable, and if we all knuckle down & get on with it, more life's could be saved, instead we have a culture of me me me, it affects all of us and we all want a normal life, we just need to stick to the rules and get through this for All and not winge about how this just affects you, it affects all.
  • Posted by Lammykins October 08, 2020 at 15:30

    Get on with your lives , great. Except you may well be sitting beside a person with a condition such as Cystic fibrosis , surrounding them in coronavirus particles .
    While you get on with your life, you could very well be choosing to end numerous other lives. It’s depressing to know how many fellow Scottish citizens care so little for everyone but “me and mine”. If nothing else, covid should have shown us we all impact on each other’s lives whether we want to or not.
  • Posted by FreeToChoose October 09, 2020 at 13:17

    The fact is, average mortality is about the same as the average age at death from Covid. You cannot say the same about flu or any other respiratory related illness. It is also estimated by the UK government that deaths due to the March Lockdown will exceed Covid deaths by around 65%. It’s about time our policy makers started earning their salaries and changed their usual short termist approach to everything.
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