12 step fellowships - Addiction

Could you please advise that when churches are opened up again that you would be happy for AA, CA and NA to start meeting again in accordance with safe practice (spaced seating, no touching etc)

Why the contribution is important

Addiction and alcoholism was already being reported as an epidemic in Scotland. With the restrictions being in place for nearly 2 months now it is extremely clear that people will have turned to substances as a crutch during this time and will add to the numbers of people that suffer from addiction/alcoholism.

The recovery community must have support from Scotland’s government to allow people to have a place to go

If we don’t do this ASAP then more people will die unfortunately

by Craigrecovery on May 08, 2020 at 04:42PM

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  • Posted by fluffyunicorn May 09, 2020 at 14:41

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