1st Stage of School Return

Most children are safest at the moment in their family home where they are safe, healthy, looked after and respected.

Some children, through no fault of their own, do not have that experience and are at risk in their homes. Because of their family circumstances, many of these children do not achieve their potential in school and fall behind.

Might it be an idea, when and only when the SG says it is safe to do so, for these children to be allowed to return to school as a first step.

Why the contribution is important

This will allow these children to be in a safer environment for most of the day
It will allow them smaller group/individual input from teachers, helping to raise attainment/achievement
If there is an argument against this in terms of equality legislation, the counter argument is on the grounds of child protection; minimising risk to the child; alleviating pressure in the household.

by KMR on May 11, 2020 at 08:46AM

Current Rating

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Based on: 2 votes


  • Posted by AlJones May 11, 2020 at 08:52

    I agree with this for kids in danger.

    In some areas, the covid risk is so low and schools are so small that all children could return immediately though.
  • Posted by KMR May 11, 2020 at 09:01

    Is this really the case? The covid risk is so low and schools are so small? Two children have already died apparently. Can we really trust that this is the case? We can be carrying the virus with no symptoms. We can be asymptomatic. How do we observe physical distancing in classrooms? If we are told not to mix households, then that is what we would be doing.
    Also floodgates will open in terms of parents going back to work and the risks associated with that.
  • Posted by JustANumber May 11, 2020 at 09:13

    The majority of evidence from mortality rates for covid-19 pretty much shows children under the age 10 is minisule. One could go further and suggest the risk to any reasonably healthy person under 30 is also pretty insignificant. The SG doesn't want to take ownership of the covid-19 risk in this demographic, they are just posturing to garner 'popular' support. They are not governing the situation just grandstanding it.
  • Posted by KMR May 11, 2020 at 09:23

    As I discussed previously, 2 children have already died. Every life is precious. Any avoidable death which can be avoided should be avoided, in my view.
    Taking it down to the personal, emotional, relationship level...if it was my/your child, father, mother, sister, brother's life?

    As far as your comments about the SG are concerned, I disagree. If the SG wanted to do that then they would be playing to the masses, easing lockdown to gain favour. I have confidence in their approach which is as transparent as it can be and comes across as caring of individual lives.
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