2nd home and maintenance

We have a small ‘2nd’ home where we would ideally live in full time but due to needing to work in city and being key workers we cannot find work opportunities to stay there.
My extended family live there but we cannot visit. I have no idea if our property is needing any attention and unsure if my building insurance is still covering as we can no longer reside there- we were there 4 days per week previously

Why the contribution is important

The area is where my 2 older siblings also live- it’s only an hour and a half drive away from the city but I cannot visit to support them or to check out the condition of the small property which needs maintained.

by Kaz1 on May 08, 2020 at 08:44PM

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  • Posted by RucksRus51 May 08, 2020 at 21:07

    My heart bleeds for you.
    This is such a selfish proposal it's unreal, suck it up and protect the people who live near both your homes. Do NOT put the services near your 2nd home under undue stress.
  • Posted by Lstewart May 08, 2020 at 21:56

    Such an unreliable problem to most people. Sorry but nobody cares about your privilege when people are dying
  • Posted by Kaz1 May 08, 2020 at 22:20

    It’s not a privilege to be isolated from family to earn a living. Every one has to socially distance by keeping 2m distance no matter where you live for the next 2 years to reduce infection. Every one travelling anywhere would have to abide by the same infection control procedures. The country does have to open up to support communities who are dependent on visitors to the area. But of course only when the time is right to do so.It’s the same health board area I currently live in so no undue pressure on health services.
  • Posted by Elkie May 08, 2020 at 23:01

    Someone living near that second home might be able to check on the property. Contact the insurance company.
  • Posted by CarrieFortune May 09, 2020 at 11:05

    I think it you have a home you are currently renovating working on this could be allowed to continue provided you are just travelling there to complete that work and travelling back home to your regular property and will not be using shops facilities at the 2nd property and putting locals at risk.
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