70 plus is a very varied group
" What a difference a day makes " I will reach the significant milestone of 70years at the end of May. I will then apparently metamorphosise from a self sufficient ,generally healthy adult, capable of being trusted to know what is best for myself and society , into a dependant person who is weak in mind and body. I would argue that this age " group " covering approximately 30 years are the product of decades of life experiences and as such as varied as the rest of society. The physical weaknesses associated with the ageing process are often under control and lives are lived with these constraints dictating activities and expectations.
Older people often have a strong bond with their children and grandchildren and the lack of contact is harmful to all three generations. Allowing the Social Bubble being mooted would reduce stress, anxiety and sadness for many. Trusting people to do the " right thing " will reap rewards for society as a whole, whilst denying people human contact based on age is cruel and unsustainable.
Older people often have a strong bond with their children and grandchildren and the lack of contact is harmful to all three generations. Allowing the Social Bubble being mooted would reduce stress, anxiety and sadness for many. Trusting people to do the " right thing " will reap rewards for society as a whole, whilst denying people human contact based on age is cruel and unsustainable.
Why the contribution is important
My fear is that if the older generation are treated differently by the government, this will lead to increased belief in stereotypes and consequently ageism.. Also, people who may have limited years of active life are being denied the opportunity to make the most of this time. Many in this group are contributing to the economy by working or allowing others to work by providing child care and should be rewarded rather than suffer discrimination.
by apprehensive on May 09, 2020 at 12:58PM
Posted by janetfabb May 09, 2020 at 14:16
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Posted by JudithMoore May 09, 2020 at 15:58
The only sensible outcome is to allow those over 70, many of course who are in good health anyway, to make their own devisions about the level of risk they wish to incur. Judith Moore
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Posted by Eladram May 09, 2020 at 16:29
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Posted by harviej May 09, 2020 at 17:55
I am fitter now than I was 30 years ago.
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Posted by Maryallan May 09, 2020 at 23:33
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Posted by russellp May 10, 2020 at 00:34
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Posted by activeandvibrant May 10, 2020 at 15:07
Yes there may be people of 70 - 105 who will need continued support - but there will also be people from 0-70 who will need this too for very good reasons. Just don’t lump everyone over 70 together. You are not doing this for any one else.
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