A clear channel for complain about their safety

I think a key issue which will undoubtedly come is where an employer is not meeting the guidelines and is not promoting a safe work environment. I think a whistleblowing system needs to be created to give workers a voice moving forward to stop employed putting their lives at risk to avoid associated costs with social distancing measures etc.

Why the contribution is important

Gives clarity and peace of mind to employees that there will be a clear and open channel with some level of enforcement should employers not follow guidance.

by JimGraham1985 on May 11, 2020 at 09:38PM

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  • Posted by AlbertRoad81 May 11, 2020 at 21:46

    Employees already have a mechanism to report H&S breaches and this would surely just become an extension of that. Unfortunately employers don't yet have any proper guidance for what a Covid safe workplace looks like and this is needed urgently!
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