A green and just recovery that builds resilience for the global south

As the world responds to COVID-19, governments and civil society are considering what the world will look like post-pandemic. We want to see a world where everyone has access to a sustainable and inclusive recovery, and a world that builds resilience for all. Scotland’s COVID-19 recovery plan should be sustainable for the planet and inclusive for the global south.

Why the contribution is important

Many of the communities that SCIAF works with are faced with a double threat: COVID-19 and climate change. For climate vulnerable communities, livelihoods and food security are already under threat and access to healthcare is limited. Basic prevention methods such as clean running water and social distancing are luxuries that many cannot access. Now is the chance to build a new world that is greener and more inclusive for all, including the world’s poorest communities. It is vital that the Sustainable Development Goals and Paris Agreement commitments are at the heart of Scotland’s recovery plans.

by SCIAF on May 11, 2020 at 01:02PM

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  • Posted by Feriface May 11, 2020 at 14:30

    I totally agree. This should always be part of how we proceed.
  • Posted by eildontreerymer May 11, 2020 at 15:30

    Building resilience for the planet might be assisted by requirements to code products, so that it would be easy to base interventions or taxes/duties on codes (just as food products list %s for certain ingredients). Thus codes could identify the areas of the world comprising the product price: good for combatting greenhouse gases. Such codes might be used to build resilience by allowing consumers to see easily where the product really came from (and then to buy local, if they so wished).
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