A number of things...

Extra support for people in abusive relationships, people living in poverty and people with complex health and social needs.

Continued economic support for businesses, staff and the self employed

Clear rules and guidelines from government - no grey areas that can be misinterpreted.

Better options for parents home schooling - especially single parents who are also working or living with health conditions.

Extra mental health support available - and for this to continue long after lockdown is eased.

Why the contribution is important

Lockdown is working for suppressing the virus but comes with a number of other issues - these ideas look to address these associated issues.

by AliceMcGrath on May 05, 2020 at 07:47PM

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  • Posted by scotjs May 05, 2020 at 20:07

    These suggestions should include more detail on how we achieve those things such as more support for people in domestic abuse, poverty, and people with complex health/social needs for example. How do you suppose the government gives them more support?

    It should also include examples of grey areas that have been open to different interpretations, so that the government can be more clear on where it's going wrong.

    Otherwise, I agree with all of the sentiments, and I think everyone else does too. Great ideas as far as values go. I share your values.

    I don't think continued financial support is too much of a concern. I am sure we will continue to get it for as long as this goes on for :)
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