A Universal Basic Income for all Citizens

A Universal Basic Income will allow us to emerge from this crisis together, securely and positively. We have shown we want to contribute and look after each other. Knowing our basic needs are met will allow us to respond creatively to rebuilding Scotland as a better, more compassionate, kinder place. Those who don't need to take up the Citizen's Income can opt to donate their entitlement to a common good fund.

Why the contribution is important

This would take a huge pressure off of us all, and would allow us to derive something positive from this tragedy.

by AlisonM on May 07, 2020 at 10:07PM

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  • Posted by Mimi May 08, 2020 at 09:10

    I think UBI would be a good idea. Those of us not entitled to Universal credit or grants for the self employed still need to feed our families. What do we do if we're currently unemployed and not entitled to anything at all? UBI would be a great help.
  • Posted by Pyrogaz May 09, 2020 at 10:57

    UBI is a no brainer. The current proposal of £100 per week from 16 years to state pension age and £50 per week for children, abolish national insurance, tax allowances, and all benefits other than those for disability, then a apply a tax rate of 30% on all earnings.
    It removes many of the admin costs of benefits, no more benefit fraud, any work is fully rewarded instead of being disincentivised by high benefit withdrawal rates so people have the ability to work themselves out of poverty instead of being trapped by the system.
    Older workers have more flexibility to reduce hours and so would help open up the workplace to younger people.
    Everyone earning up to the Living Wage would be better off, earning between that point and average salary would be about the same as now; over average salary and we would pay more tax. I am in the latter group and firmly believe I don't pay enough tax!
  • Posted by jackieb May 11, 2020 at 16:20

    Yes the current problems have shown how unfair our economy is for those having to work in the gig economy and students who rely on part-time work to make ends meet. Plus many others caring for others.
    I'd be happy to pay more tax for a fairer system for those who have so little. It is a crime that people who do work hard caring for others and keeping the economy going end up having to live on poverty wages whilst some people earn huge bonuses for doing work they are already more than adequately paid to do.
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