Ability to see family & friends at a distance

Allow us to act responsibly and meet as many people as we want as long as it is outside & at a distance. For example, able to meet my sister or a friend for a walk, or to sit in my elderly parents garden, o. Both meetings could be at a safe distance but would require a 30 min car drive. We are allowed to walk locally & talk to local people who we meet along the way so this is only a minor change.

Why the contribution is important

It would help us express our concerns and help us support each other better. Some people are very isolated or relationships are strained - some other company ( at a safe distance) could make a big difference.

by ramsay10 on May 10, 2020 at 11:27AM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.7
Based on: 10 votes


  • Posted by AnnMac May 10, 2020 at 12:27

    I think the idea of small social bubbles is a good idea- at a distance, not indoors, in a garden, or where acceptable and safe social distancing can take place. Also a good idea that one should not be travelling a long time for this to happen, maybe a relatively short car journey, say 1/2 hour at the most, just to see grandparents at a distance, or adult children living and working away from home going to see their parents but ‘at a distance’.
  • Posted by maybuds20 May 10, 2020 at 14:46

    It would be good to gradually increase social contact between family and friends. Meeting outside makes sense .... but what happens if you need the toilet? Do you go into your friend/family house and risk infecting them/you?
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