access consideration for vulnerable people
For those Shielding , the 12 weeks ends around June 19th. During this sheilding period, the extremely vulnerable are the most safe they will be - as all interactions of them and their carers are limited. As restrcitions are eased, the more contacts that non vulnerable people have, the less chance their is for vulnerable people to go out, and mix.
This makes the prospect of long term lock dow for the extreme groups very real.
Could consideration be given to increasing special access measures for those extremely vulnerable people. These measures could be introducing dediacted times or days ( once a month) where the roles are reversed - the non vulnerable stay in and the vulnerable can go out - as places would be less busy, and so risks would be less. This could apply to countryside areas, and to urban.
Could shops, galleries, etc adopt special times and limit no of customers also. All to help those extremely vulnerable people ( those with suppressed immune systems for example) the opportunity to do "normal" things in circumstances where the risk of infection are lessened.
without measures, many vulnerable people will remain too scared to go out, with resultant impact on mental health.
This makes the prospect of long term lock dow for the extreme groups very real.
Could consideration be given to increasing special access measures for those extremely vulnerable people. These measures could be introducing dediacted times or days ( once a month) where the roles are reversed - the non vulnerable stay in and the vulnerable can go out - as places would be less busy, and so risks would be less. This could apply to countryside areas, and to urban.
Could shops, galleries, etc adopt special times and limit no of customers also. All to help those extremely vulnerable people ( those with suppressed immune systems for example) the opportunity to do "normal" things in circumstances where the risk of infection are lessened.
without measures, many vulnerable people will remain too scared to go out, with resultant impact on mental health.
Why the contribution is important
without measures, many vulnerable people will remain too scared to go out, with resultant impact on mental health.
Equality of access for disabled people has long being recognised as important. This ethos should be extended to people with health conditions for whom coronavirus is a serious threat to their life. Measures could be introduced that allow them to get out their homes more safely, and participate.
Equality of access for disabled people has long being recognised as important. This ethos should be extended to people with health conditions for whom coronavirus is a serious threat to their life. Measures could be introduced that allow them to get out their homes more safely, and participate.
by debshill12 on May 11, 2020 at 09:47PM
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