Active Travel

Make temporary bike lanes with a view to making them permanent if they are a success. Consider reducing speed limits on roads to encourage cyclists. This could even be done at particular times eg Cycling Sundays where car drivers are discouraged from using the roads to allow cyclists and walkers better access. Give people on low incomes/keyworkers, who don't own cars, bikes/ebikes. Bring in a law similar to Holland where the onus on car driver to prove they are not in the wrong if there is an accident.

Why the contribution is important

Cycling and walking allow for social distancing. Also being out in the fresh air strengthens people's immune system and ability to fight disease.
Longer term it helps us tackle obesity, air pollution, mental health problems, social inequality and climate change.

by Valma on May 11, 2020 at 09:46PM

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  • Posted by LisaB May 11, 2020 at 21:52

    Agree this is a good idea. Coupled with increasing education of cyclists to make their journey safer. Ban cycling on pavements and also reduce the speed limit to 20mph in towns at all times would reduce accidents, create a more pleasant environment for pedestrians too.
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