Adapt Furlough System

As an employer in a manufacturing business, with 14 employees, all currently on Furlough, would it be possible / feasible to allow us to return to work with reduced numbers in the workplace - either with members of staff returning to work for 2 days a week, one group perhaps on Monday & Tuesday and second group on Wednesday & Thursday. Alternatively, allow each group to work alternative weeks. This would only be feasible if we were still able to claim Furlough for the days when employees were not working.

Why the contribution is important

This would be less of a financial burden to the Country, help businesses to gradually get back to work while conforming to Social Distancing, sanitising etc. This would also save employers from being accused of any kind of discrimination by offering some kind of return to work to a greater number of employees in a safer CoVid19 workplace.

by j3hnh on May 07, 2020 at 07:48AM

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  • Posted by JLaw May 07, 2020 at 10:21

    This idea demonstrates how different businesses have different ideas about how return to work could be implemented to suit their business and their employees. Hopefully the Scottish Government has systems in place to consult with representatives of all sectors
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