Add more NextBikes to encourage bicycle commuting

With more people potentially using the communal NextBike scheme after lockdown ends, I think we should proactively increase the number of stations and bikes around our cities.

Why the contribution is important

If there are always available bikes, it will encourage bicycle commuting in the summer.

by Geoffgriggs on May 09, 2020 at 01:01PM

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  • Posted by GraemeBrown May 09, 2020 at 16:04

    Would rather see the cycle to work initiative replaced with an initiative for all to get affordable bikes instead. Each individual has one, reduces cross infection like with bike share. We also need better cycle parking spaces
  • Posted by GraemeBrown May 09, 2020 at 16:04

    Would rather see the cycle to work initiative replaced with an initiative for all to get affordable bikes instead. Each individual has one, reduces cross infection like with bike share. We also need better cycle parking spaces
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