Addendum to the Bubble idea

Cant see how to do this in the conversation.This is a plea for the single person living alone unmarried no local family but sociable.Me for example.89 recovering from broken hip and complications and coping just.Whose bubble of 10 do I fit into? Im a seasonticket holder at Hearts but my mates there all have extended families.I do a weeklybalance exercise class a d coffeed afterwards wih5 others...they all have large family groups etc etcI will feel very very thousands more will do

Why the contribution is important

Because the needs of the single elderly are no being addressed adequately.This business.of going out for exercise but not resting in a NONSENSE for elderly.Since no physio iis being given me tnrecover from my hip breakI need to WALK...but Ineed to rest I rest.Sorry Ill keep on doing it.I also need to do it for mental health reasons.Im 89 in a first floor fjat of 6.No one on the stair has given a iota of help.I am supported by a Colombian fsmily near at hand.Nobody...local or national..has enquired...nor my clinic.My on ology and other hospital appointment all cancelled.Id go dotty if I couldnt get to a park and at least smile at kids and their mumd

by Marydoll10 on May 11, 2020 at 08:33AM

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  • Posted by roobie May 11, 2020 at 12:42

    Please call 0800 111 4000 and let them know you need help. If there is no answer leave your number, they do call back. They can help with food supplies, emotional support and access to other help. It's worth a phone call to see if they can help. I hope there will be changes soon so that those who are isolated can have some social contact as a priority. And also resting on a bench at 2m distance from others makes perfect sense - you need to do this, I seriously doubt any decent police person would have any issue with you resting as needed. Take care.
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