Additional maternity leave

I would like to see additional maternity leave considered in Scotland. 3 months additional leave on stat pay would help hugely for new mums during this time.

Why the contribution is important

We have been robbed of the ability to meet a support network, access vital groups and importantly socialise and develop our babies.the untold effect of this could last year's.

Those with other children now off nursery or school are missing the change to bond with their child in this time. And working mums are facing seeing colleagues off work on full pay while we juggle many roles at home with no pay.

There are many other elements to the maternity leave aspect of corona virus that I am sure others will jump in with

by Postpartum on May 07, 2020 at 05:27PM

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  • Posted by zee May 07, 2020 at 17:52

    100% agree with this. I feel robbed of so much. We’ve never going to get this time back. I’m likely going to ask my employer for some unpaid time off next year when this all settles down
  • Posted by Lotty81 May 07, 2020 at 19:00

    I agree. Being at home with a toddler and a newborn with no opportunity to be outside to release tension is not good for mother or baby. Add to that the lack of ability to go to playgroups and classes, and there is limited stimulation for the baby, and for the parent to be able to share ideas and worries with other parents.

    I know personally this has had untold consequences for my family, and is robbing me of precious bonding time with my young children, whilst I muddle my way through this crisis without help.

  • Posted by Quaranteenie May 07, 2020 at 19:46

    The effects of the quarantine on new mums and those with older children to also take care of alongside a newborn will likely be a rise in post natal depression. Not having an established support network will have a detrimental effect to mothers, and we lose the chance for some key development for the babies who won't be able to meet other family members.

    Extra time with pay added onto maternity will mean there will be less pressure to return to work without establishing a support network, and so help to mitigate the rise in PND.
  • Posted by CarolynQ May 07, 2020 at 21:07

    I commenced maternity leave two weeks before lockdown. My baby boy has now arrived and has not met any of his family yet due to the restrictions. This is my first baby and I feel very emotional about lockdown at the moment. My husband is back to work soon and I will be home alone with a newborn and no support network at all. We will miss out on baby classes, newborn photoshoot, meeting friends and other children. My little one will have no pictures of him with his family in his first few weeks. I feel that we are all missing out on so much as new mums durimg this tune and I hope that we can gain some of that time back.
  • Posted by Rachel_mccx May 08, 2020 at 10:21

    I agree with getting 3 months extended maternity leave, my maternity leave started the day lockdown was announced and was told to self isolate from then on. I’ve not left the house since apart from going to the hospital and back to have my baby. We’ve not been able to do the things we planned to do, and i think the baby groups I planned to go to is so important for my baby’s development and this has prevented me from going . I think maternity leave should be extended to allow all mums and babies to have the bonding time with family (when we can) and to go to the groups and do the things we all planned to do, instead of being stuck in the house during lockdown.
  • Posted by Kmcmun81 May 08, 2020 at 10:35

    I strongly agree with this. As a first time mum I feel lockdown (as much as I agree completely that this is necessary) has left me with no support network. Midwife, Health Visitor and Physio services are understandably reduced significantly which adds to anxiety felt by a new parent. I am unable to attend any baby groups which would greatly support my baby’s development as well as allow me to socialise and learn from other parents. I will be unlikely to be able to attend any groups before returning to work due to lengthy waiting lists now held by providers. My partner is also a key worker and has had to return to work, again causing high levels of anxiety due to not knowing if my baby will be exposed to this virus. My family and friends have still been unable to meet or form any relationship with my son as he was born after lockdown was put in place, thus making it more difficult to settle my son when childcare will be required. This should have been a joyful time but instead has been a time of constant worry and uncertainty and it would be beneficial for all families affected to have extra time with their child to just enjoy parenthood when this nightmare is finally over.
  • Posted by StefanieH May 08, 2020 at 17:33

    Hi, I a new mum, too and I feel that due to all Baby classes and Pram walks being cancelled I am missing out on a proper maternity leave experience which has affected my mental health. As well as that I am lacking support, too, as I do not have any family near by even if the social distancing was eased.
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