Address the current problems of speeding vehicles and hugely increased traffic flow more rigorous policing and a police presence on the roads

Since the start of lockdown I have seen only one patrol vehicle driving along the pedestriuan zone of Dunfermline High Street [nobody there except me].

In order to exercise I have to cross the A985. 2 weeks ago there were 2 BMWs racing each other along it. [I was too far away from the crossing to get their numbers but I saw one of them turned into our village entrance road and I am keeping an eye open for it!]. On 3 occasions in the last 2 weeks I have seen motorbikes being driven at excessive speeds, really faster than I have seen on public roads previously. Can we have a police presence out there? I stand well back form the roadside before judging whether it is safe to cross, this crossing is on the Fife Coastal path route and also part of the Pilgrims' Way and is used by pedestrians and cyclists of all ages [and abilities!].

Earlier this past week there were 2 days when I noticed empty logging lorries speeding along the A985, going east to west. We never get logging lorries along there, let along speeding ones.

Over the past 2 or 3 weeks traffic flow in our area is almost back to normal from around 10am. Later in the day there seem to be carloads of young people - so they are obviously not single household and are merely socialising. If the police merely stopped a couple of these and had a useful friendly chat the word may spread and there might be a reduction in this potential infection spreading activity.

[Please note that I am not an anti fast driving fanatic, I enjoy a good spin when safe to do so!]

Why the contribution is important

Public safety, excessive speed usually results in very bad accidents indeed and poor outcomes for those involved.

Vehicle accident victims put huge pressure on emergency services and A&E departments, and often also intensive care resources.

Social driving should be eliminated as it encourages infection to spread.

Driving a short local distance to take food and medicines to an elderly or vulnerable person is fine

by biologist on May 10, 2020 at 11:23AM

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  • Posted by NorahCatherine May 10, 2020 at 11:36

    Agree- lots of speeding and full cars here. It is a worry- especially since there are more cyclists, runners and walkers on the road.
  • Posted by Mitchy May 10, 2020 at 11:56

    Agree speeding vehicles should be being stopped and fined as this is against the law anyway.
    I think there is more to ‘the full car’ scenario as what if it is a family travelling a safe distance to take their daily exercise? I think common sense policing should apply here. For example myself and my husband travel a short distance by car with our dogs to ensure we can follow social distancing guidelines. The place we go to is always always empty but if there are other people we can see them way before they are anywhere near 2 metres. We get criticised for this rather than walking around our local streets trying without success to avoid people. I am self isolating and we go out a max of 7 hours per week. Maybe families are doing the same?
    I do agree to them breaking the rules if they are from different households but you can’t really make judgements without knowing the circumstances.
  • Posted by JuliaM May 11, 2020 at 09:47

    As it's so quiet it is very evident that cars & motor bikes are speeding along our local B roads, and, more worryingly, in town.

    We had a trail bike speeding up & down the Fife coastal footpath.
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