Advice for people who live in flats

Better advice should be given to the large number of people who live in tenement flats or multi-storey flats. The latter pose more difficulties, particularly for people who do not have a sunny balcony but I have no suggestions how to improve matters there.
I live in a tenement flat. The block contains 8 flats, of which 5 are currently occupied. We have access to a shared back green and are fortunate in being near green spaces. The 5 households cooperate, for example, by sharing food deliveries or running errands for those of us who are over 70. The block front door is the first line of defence against CV-19 and it is cleaned with soapy water each evening. We inevitably meet but preserve social distancing. As lockdown is relaxed there is scope for treating each block as a unit. Some of us have children and grandchildren or nieces and nephews who we want to see as soon as it is safe to do so and so any bubble ought to take account of these two dimensions.

Why the contribution is important

Current advice is a lot easier to follow in a house with a large garden. There really ought to be explicit recognition of those people who are not in that situation, recognising the issues and making constructive suggestions.

by grussell on May 07, 2020 at 06:49PM

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  • Posted by scotjs May 07, 2020 at 18:57

    I do feel for people living in flats and building complexes. My heart does go out to them.

    Perhaps some solution could be found, such as socially distancing on fields or open spaces near such buildings should be allowed for the residents.

    This may be important for making the lock-down more bearable.
  • Posted by Mitzee May 08, 2020 at 03:08

    I agree , I'm cooped up in my flat whilst I watch the neighbours with houses enjoying fresh air , gardening, bbqs etc. In their garden and I'm stuck in the flat especially with children. Our overall physical and mental health is taking a hit, I believe rules should be amended for flat residents to allow some more outdoor time.
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