Advice for retailers
I would like to see some written standards that retailers could adhere to with regards to not only keeping themselves safe, but their customers as well. I work in an outdoor equipment retailer. There is ample space to practice social, or more appropriately, physical distancing for customers and staff. But what would you recommend regarding cross-contamination when customers are browsing and trying on products? I was thinking that there should be sanitising stations not only at the front door, but also throughout the store. There should also be ample signage asking customers to avoid touching goods if they are not interested in them, and asking them to use a nearby sanitiser before picking up products they are interested in. They should not allow their children to touch any products. But, I’m a bit stumped as to what to suggest what someone wants to try something on?
Why the contribution is important
In the interests of non-food retail, we need to come up with a template for as safe a practice as possible so that shops can open and staff can return. Also, I’m desperate to go shopping myself!! Lol
by Nadia_tighe on May 06, 2020 at 08:53PM
Posted by BUTEMACS May 07, 2020 at 01:50
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Posted by Nadia_tighe May 07, 2020 at 20:32
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