Agressive lockdown for 1-2 weeks

In order to drastically lower the R value at an accelerated rate, a period of 1-2 weeks should be advertised as a 'temporarily aggressive' lockdown, with the promise of eased measures at the end of this period.

During this short period of time, the lockdown should be redefined, allowing only absolutely essential shopping and heavily restricted outdoor exercise. Also, the penalty for breaking the rules of this redefined period of lockdown should be significantly increased.

This would hopefully give the public a 'one last push' attitude with clear light at the end of the tunnel.

Why the contribution is important

This idea is important as I believe that the public's patience is wearing thin and the lockdown is not being taken as seriously as it needs to be at this critical time. People need to receive some sort of short-term gratification, which I think can be achieved of everyone buckles down for even just one week of aggressive lockdown. What is achieved through several more weeks of half hearted lockdown could potentially be seen after only a short burst of a strict lockdown. Although this idea may be seen as draconian to some, I believe that the public will largely on board.

by abcdefg on May 06, 2020 at 03:58PM

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  • Posted by jenny333 May 06, 2020 at 17:03

    I think it would help, but I see small businesses in vans with two people in them all the time.
    Also, people in the tenement opposite are sometimes in in the evening, sometimes not. So
    where are they. I don't think there would be much compliance.
  • Posted by lmg1612 May 06, 2020 at 17:39

    For the majority, this has already been several weeks of absolute misery. Many have died, that is in no doubt. However, many are already close to the edge financially and mentally. To ask for complete lock down I think would destroy many more lives. I agree, you will always get people who break the rules. There is no guarantee a total lock down at this stage would work. The virus is already out there.
  • Posted by Julie May 06, 2020 at 17:45

    I would go further. Instead of having restrictions for long periods of time do a draconian lockdown for an appropriate period (as advised by experts) to reduce the R dramatically. The current restrictions, which are being ignored by the selfish in our society anyway, are causing so many mental, physical and economic issues. A short sharp period of more dramatic lockdown might be less painful for all.

    Provide a date so that people can have sufficient food and medication in their homes then lock everyone down with the only exceptions being the real essential services eg health workers, care, police, electricity production, farmers looking after animals etc.

    Close all shops (including supermarkets), public transport and places of employment. There will be no excuse for anyone to be out unless they are going to hospital or have an essential job, so the Police can deal with people who don’t comply as few should be out.

    At the moment lockdown is being obeyed by the many and just ignored by the few who then spread the virus and keep us all in lockdown for much longer.

    This type of approach might be worth a try if the R goes up.
  • Posted by PeterG69 May 06, 2020 at 17:51

    This, in my opinion, is exactly what is needed. Definitely needing to be more focus/clampdown on the many people not adhering to the guidelines (drive-thru coffee?)!
  • Posted by Wittleeeyore May 06, 2020 at 17:58

    Completely agree should be a enforced lockdown to ensure everyone plays their part and tries to stop a second wave of deaths close everything for a few weeks and help stop the spread
  • Posted by kirbag May 06, 2020 at 18:09

    This would’ve worked at the start of lock down but now people are giving up of sticking to the rules, people are visiting other homes, more & more businesses are re opening. People will not stick to this at this late point
  • Posted by ArchieM May 06, 2020 at 18:17

    an appalling idea. We simply cannot keep people locked up for weeks on end. It is clear that there are people who are vulnerable to this disease whereas others are less Likely to suffer any significant medical hardship. However to continue to enforce a lockdown will ruin the economy, there is significant financial hardship heading our way as a result of this lockdown , jobs are being lost. The public has done its bit now the government needs to get on with upping the game on testing and tracing which it stopped doing because the experts thought it a “ distraction” . Why had testing not been ramped up so it is sufficient for people to get back to work and back to some form of normality. We seemed to be able to spend millions making a new hospital in a very quick time why is the same effort not going into testing? If people don’t get back to work , no taxes will be getting collected. So there will be significantly less money for any public expenditure including healthcare. Lockdown needs to ease off.
  • Posted by RitaH1981 May 06, 2020 at 18:30

    Completely disagree. The disease is already out there. At this late stage it could harm more than help. Based on what we are hearing in the news, people will already be anticipating an easing rather than a further tightening, so such a measure could push those near the edge over it. If everything including supermarkets are to shut there could easily be another run on supermarket items, and not everyone will have a fair chance at stocking up on what they need before shelves are emptied again.

    The R number is currently being reported as being below 1, ideally we’d all like it to be 0, but I suspect that even if that is achieved, it can’t be sustained. The virus is here, lots of people have put in a lot of work to achieve the improvements we’ve seen so far, a drastic 2 week lockdown now would artificially lower the number and leave us in for a bigger shock when we slowly try and phase into the ‘new normal’. Better to try and start dealing with those issues now as they will be how we live our lives for the next couple of years
  • Posted by Legion May 06, 2020 at 18:52

    Not the worse idea by any means, to many people aren't listening so have a lockdown enforced for two weeks, far better than having a second spike that could be worse than this one
  • Posted by Michelledailly70 May 06, 2020 at 19:32

    Great idea but total lockdown would be preferable. I also would include door to door testing at the appropriate time during lock down. Once communities are clear we can start to rebuild from within and be free of worry.
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