Air Travel (Internal UK and International)

We need clear guidance on air and train travel.

Commuter flights and trains between Scotland and the rest of the UK are essential to get economy moving. We therefore need a consistent approach to the whole of the UK (England can’t be open for business while we stay shut down).

Internationally we need flights moving as well so the gradual introduction on flights to key hubs (eg Dublin, Amsterdam, Frankfurt) would allow pan European business to restart

Why the contribution is important


by PT on May 06, 2020 at 06:56AM

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  • Posted by andrewtlloyd May 06, 2020 at 13:26

    Let me start with stating that I have a vested interest; my main office is in London and I live in Scotland. I am a frequent international business traveller.

    I do not want to see a return to pre-pandemic air travel. It is a major source of CO2 emissions and we won't get a better chance than this to change our habits.

    Nobody in my company has taken a flight in the last 2 months, we've been no less productive, we've stayed open for business and have furloughed nobody. We are planning the resumption of "normal" working from zero flights and justifying any essential flights from that starting point. We won't be approving any domestic flights. On international flights, these will probably be long-haul only (Australia and the USA) and only when the meeting (or other purpose) genuinely cannot be held online.
  • Posted by Am_Broc May 06, 2020 at 15:25

    Bu chòir seirbheisean rèile a thoirt air ais dhan àbhaist cho luath 's a tha practaigeach ach bu chòir dhuinn ceuman a ghabhail gus dèanamh cinnteach nach tèid seirbeisean adhair air ais dhan àbhaist idir air adhbharan na h-àrainneachd. Bu chòir dhan riaghaltas a bhith a' brosnachadh siubhail rèile taobh a-staigh na RA agus ICT agus gus feuchainn ri flights taobh a-staigh na RA a leudachadh (ach a-mhàin an fheadhainn do na h-eileanan).
  • Posted by MikeJohnston May 10, 2020 at 10:52


    USA is spiralling out of control. UK Gov may stop incoming flights AT THE END OF MAY.

    Scotland should close the border at Gretna/Berwick until UK Gov sees sense.
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