Align tax rates to UK to aid economic recovery

Millions of Scottish workers are currently furloughed. This unprecedented economic intervention has saved thousands of jobs and eased concerns of millions who would not have had the funds to survive this period of lockdown without the job retention scheme.

As we have benefited from the work of the UK government so far a joined up approach on economic recovery should be followed.

Will the Scottish Government consider aligning tax percentages with the rest of the UK during this recovery period (12-18 months)

Not only will this simplify the message but will support all nations to contribute equally to the economic recovery ahead.

The UK government provided a blanket 80% (up to £2,500 without applying any differentiation to the fact Scottish resident contribute a different % and therefore alignment will see a whole UK approach in return.

Why the contribution is important

We are relying on UK government intervention, the subtle differences in Scottish policies vs rest of the UK will lead to complications as we look to start recovery.

During recovery we should all pay the same % tax per band as the rest of the UK. We all received the same level of intervention and this saved jobs.

by Afoggo on May 05, 2020 at 02:41PM

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