All business should by law have social distancing

Any business that requires to re-open should be required by law to have social distancing in place and able to prove that it's workable before being considered. Construction sites are a very important part of the economy but are probably the most difficult to be able to social distance workers. Maybe some form of PPE would help in the short term. ie masks etc.

Why the contribution is important

Once construction is restored the economy will slowly start to recover as there are many businesses reliant on the industry.

by Jambo1954 on May 09, 2020 at 02:40PM

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  • Posted by tammymac May 09, 2020 at 17:09

    Once laws are in place, they are hard to overturn. More limits are not necessary, everyone is frightened enough as it is. Appealing to common sense ways of working, testing, boosting health, working on postive ways out would be better.
  • Posted by ArtSam May 10, 2020 at 09:46

    100% agree. This must be enforced along with a master plan of how they achieve this and how they will continue to assess and improve social distancing, risk assessments and the monitoring of day to day adherence for employees to feel safe.
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