Allow businesses to apply to re-open

Many businesses are shut down completely - construction for example - when they may be able to re-open whilst following social distancing. Why not make a set of rules that they need to follow and let them apply to re-open if they can show that they can follow them?

Why the contribution is important

Because the government is doing massive damage to the economy with it's blanket approach

by yebaws on May 05, 2020 at 11:17PM

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Based on: 7 votes


  • Posted by AndyLippok May 07, 2020 at 12:22

    Each business would be required to submit a form showing in writing and photos what they have done to ensure compliance with safe physical distancing, hygiene, and other provisions to ensure the safety of their staff, customers and members of the public. Also provide a place where staff, customers, and members of the public can raise concerns about a particular business which can then be visited by trained people from the Local Authority to check these out.
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