Allow children to play non contact outdoor sports under supervision

There could easily do structured outdoor activities under the supervision of coaches with very little risk of spreading the disease. For example, three kids and a coach could easily play tennis without coming into contact with each other so long as the coach was clear on his/her responsibilities. Cricket coaches could arrange small group training sessions. This would given the kids something to look forward to and employ some coaches. There is no need to use indoor facilities.

Why the contribution is important

Children are suffering mental health problems, depression and boredom at the moment. They need to get outside and get some resemblance of normality. Parents could also do with the break from having to constantly entertain kids.

by brianC on May 05, 2020 at 05:16PM

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Based on: 10 votes


  • Posted by LanarkshireResident May 05, 2020 at 19:08

    Some sports might be an issue due to handling of equipment/balls. As an Athletics Coach it might be reasonable to allow running outside in a few weeks.

    We would need to make a list of locations and sports that could be considered a case by case basis.
  • Posted by lauravienna May 08, 2020 at 21:09

    as long as we have a sport by sport scenario this would work non contact sports like badminton and tennis can work
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