Allow construction to restart

Construction is essential to the economy. Builders are ready and waiting with safety measures at the ready, signage, PPE. Many jobs can be done easily with workers sufficiently distanced and protected. These include painters, joiners, floorers,plasterers etc. Other parts of UK did not stop construction and there is no reason for this to have happened in Scotland. Sites could be inspected by local authority officials. It is ridiculous that a shop like Pret a manger can open but a painter can't paint an empty room in a new build.

Why the contribution is important

As above, it is essential bro the economy of the country to get all possible workers back to work.

by ejforrester on May 09, 2020 at 11:09PM

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  • Posted by Shabbyhouse May 10, 2020 at 09:26

    Absolutely. And as for policy, it could begin with a phased demolition of unsuitable housing in favour of healthy dwellings, and in tandem, introduce the notion that there is something as a "healthy house". We live in an era only dissimilar to Salford in 1848 by a matter of degree, and out of that came the writings of Friedrich Engels. We've been here before.
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