Allow family members in other households to help with childcare

Allow fit and healthy family members in another household to help with child care if the child's parents are both working from home. This would extend the social bubbles but only to those households. All other elements would stay the same to protect the NHS.

Why the contribution is important

Parents who are both working and have children at home are finding it very hard to balance work and be a parent. Our normal child care is split between the grandparents for 3 days a week. If we could do this again extending our bubble to just grandparents who are fit an healthy our work life balance would be better, our mental well-being would be improved and our child would be emotionally stimulated and gain so much with their development again. Having a 2 year old who needs educational stimulation with parents who are working is very hard on them, their development will be effected.

In allowing grandparents who are fit and healthy to help again will also increase their mental health. It would be understood that the families would only be allowed this social bubble to continue to protect the NHS but it would improve so many areas in mental well-being and development.

by Lucymackay on May 08, 2020 at 07:44AM

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  • Posted by Lisa1202 May 08, 2020 at 14:53

    Totally agree working from home with a just 2 year old is impossible and I am a key worker that because I work from home means my child can’t go to nursery, my twin sister stays 10 houses away in the same street on furlough/ about to be made redundant but I can’t even ask her to help with my son so I can work and even these bubbles that might come in are no good as you can’t social distance with a 2 year old due to care needs like nappy change and feeding
  • Posted by Balmediebum May 08, 2020 at 22:21

    Absolutely agree with this. We normally help with care for my 5 year old grandson who lives 2 streets away.
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