Allow home working long term, by choice

* Allow employees who can and are already working from home successfully, to continue working from home until all restrictions can be lifted.
When staff are allowed to start returning to working environments such as offices, allow staff to opt to continue home working if they choose.
Many workers have been working from home for this first time and prefer this way of working and it better suits their personal circumstances.

Employees would still attend their place of work as and when required, for work that cannot be done effectively from home.

Why the contribution is important

1. Would assist those who are anxious about returning to old working environments for fear of infection.
2. Home working reduces travel costs for employees and is more environmentally friendly.
3. Home working may better suit an individuals personal circumstances.
4. Shorter working days for those who usually have long commuting times.
5. Reduced costs to businesses through lower staff numbers in their buildings.
6. Easier for those in working environments to comply with social distancing measures as employee numbers would be reduced.

by laurajayne on May 06, 2020 at 07:40PM

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Based on: 64 votes


  • Posted by Elizamxm May 06, 2020 at 19:52

    There should be a societal sea change. Presentee-ism vs sustainable, effective home working in those sectors which can allow this.
  • Posted by rossb May 06, 2020 at 19:55

    I agree that this is a worthwhile long-term aim we should be striving for. To do it properly we need efficient, speedy broadband (or better, cable) connection to every home. We have seen that it is possible for many workers who normally travel to an office to work from home and to be connected to colelagues by skype etc. We should be seeking to set up a new, better Scotland when this is over; one that uses less carbon-based fuel and regenerates local economies. This would achieve both of these aims.

  • Posted by rachelk May 06, 2020 at 20:07

    Although some people CAN work from home, it's not always the best solution for them long term. Lack of space, office equipment etc. People may be doing it just now because they have to due to not being able to go to work, but it may not be sustainable long term. Also it can be very isolating spending all day every day in your house without seeing people at your work day to day
  • Posted by theresasheldon May 06, 2020 at 20:12

    Whoever nit. Lots of needless travel - especially flying to meetings which are easily done with technology. Many people enjoy the travel away from home - not sufficient reason to do so!
  • Posted by Itsjustmehere May 06, 2020 at 20:25

    This makes sense. If possible, people should continue to work at home for as long as possible to slow the spread of the virus.
  • Posted by Itsjustmehere May 06, 2020 at 20:25

    This makes sense. If possible, people should continue to work at home for as long as possible to slow the spread of the virus.
  • Posted by ESC May 06, 2020 at 20:30

    This has been an easy transition and allows more quality family time
  • Posted by MDawg May 06, 2020 at 20:39

    Sensible idea. Not all will want to, but reduces risk of transmission/receipt for those who do or have no option.
  • Posted by Dougieo May 06, 2020 at 20:44

    For those that can do it absolutely agree
  • Posted by emwpaisley May 06, 2020 at 21:08

    All for some homeworking but also think good for mental health to be involved with colleagues . Would require slightly better equipment to do so but that can be met I am sure
  • Posted by Gcairns May 06, 2020 at 21:26

    I have been working from home since the beginning of March as an asthmatic the slightest cold in the office and I'm guaranteed to catch it, so was sent home early. Our company as a whole have adapted well to this approach. Concerns with returning before a vaccine are public transport, busy stair wells, elevators the list is endless and no matter the precautions in place a simple fire drill will end that. Can't evacuate an 8 floor building with 2 offices per floor, keeping people 6feet apart and get everyone out in a timely fashion
  • Posted by Staysafeforlonger May 06, 2020 at 21:33

    Agree with more opportunity for home-working. It’s good for family life and mental health, reduces travel pollution. We need better broadband for all to enable this. We also need to support those businesses that rely on staff working in town centres to change if their customer base shifts to more home-working.
  • Posted by Rae May 06, 2020 at 21:34

    I think it’s important to give people choice about whether working from home or going into the office is best for that individual. The government, and employers, should ensure that that choice Is supported. Giving people choice will ensure that they feel empowered, behave more responsibly, have improved mental health and are able to contribute better to their jobs and society.
  • Posted by hs87 May 06, 2020 at 21:35

    Incentives for those working from home - reduced council tax rate etc

    Also possible incentives for companies who make it happen.
  • Posted by RM219 May 06, 2020 at 23:48

    This needs to be high on the agenda. Office based environments - specifically in industries like communications where the open plan office structure and employee density makes it almost impossible to consistently social distance. That's before talking about the positive impact on the environment through less personal travel (people will likely move towards personal vehicles due to social distancing issues on public transport).

    This could be the start of a real paradigm shift and should be actively encouraged.
  • Posted by CarolF May 07, 2020 at 11:30

    100% continued home-working should be a long term option for those who can and employers should be forced to adhere to that.
    Offices are a breeding ground for easy transmission of any germs/viruses at the best of times
    There would be more crowded public transport, where it is impossible to keep appropriate distances if people go into an office/other workplace unnecessarily.
    Others might start taking cars for short journeys with one person in vehicle, contributing to increased CO2 emissions, which we are trying to reduce. (Some do not have an applicable public transport option.)
    If those who can, continue to work from home, this would make it safer and easier for others who can't, to return to their workplace and get the economy moving again in a safer manner.
    Aside from that, working from home reduces costs, improves health and productivity, is better for the environment, reduces stress and reduces CO2/other pollution.
    The effect of this as a long-term strategy (even when Covid issue goes away) has enormous benefits for everyone - the health service will see a reduction in many preventable 'diseases' thanks to people's general health improving, there will be less pressure on all infrastructure and the environment will automatically improve.
    The government states it is keen to clean up our environment and there had been a global summit planned for September to discuss how to do this. Quite frankly, the easy answer is now staring us in the face thanks to the recent restrictions so let's not move backwards again and let's use this experience for some good by insisting that people work from home where possible, if they are willing to do. It's a no brainer really!! Let's lead the way...
  • Posted by Ossian May 07, 2020 at 16:16

    Whilst I can see why some people like working from home, it is not really viable long term as learning new tasks takes forever and generally we are all less efficient. Perhaps more flexible working but we all need to see each other at some points (several times a week realistically) unfortunately I dont think staying at home long term is conducive for effective working, and will negatively impact the careers of those who choose it.
  • Posted by WilfredLawrieNicholasJohnson May 07, 2020 at 16:46

    Makes complete sense. Hopefully companies can see past the old school mentality and metrics . Office attendance and long hours do not equal productivity.
  • Posted by Jharrison May 07, 2020 at 19:33

    Totally agree with home working from now on. It allows parents to spend more time with children as less time travelling to and from work. It is safer especially for someone in a high risk category like myself. We are in a climate emergency so what an easy way to contribute to bringing that down. I think overall it’s a great idea
  • Posted by macmac May 08, 2020 at 07:43

    To support the net zero agenda, could extend this by encouraging (or mandating) employers to allow staff to work from home even after the Covid-19 emergency.
    Need to ensure:
    - people are not penalised for this
    - Superfast broadband (which supports video conferencing so no satellite) is available for all
    - simplify the claiming of allowances for working at home, extra heating, lighting etc
  • Posted by BeataK May 08, 2020 at 14:21

    People who can work from home should be allowed to choose to do this. If a third of us would work from home, everyone else would enjoy low traffic commute, low pollution, space on public transport.
  • Posted by Sandsmill May 09, 2020 at 16:22

    People who can work from home should continue to do so, not everyone needs to sit in an office.
  • Posted by LisaB May 11, 2020 at 21:21

    The option to work from home is good in getting a good work/life balance, but there also needs to be an expectation that attendance for specific purposes may also be required.
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