Allow one designated family member to visit an elderly, lonely, isolated relative (even if they live quite far away)

There are a large number of people in Scotland who are elderly, very isolated and with no internet or social interaction. Particularly across the north and Highland areas.
I think if someone has no symptoms they should now be allowed to be the one designated person to visit these relatives - perhaps one a month overnight if they can take necessary precautions within a household. The risk of someone becoming mentally and perhaps physically unwell because of lack of interaction is, for me, as great as the risk of corona virus.

Why the contribution is important

The risk of someone becoming mentally and perhaps physically unwell because of lack of interaction is, for me, as great as the risk of corona virus.

by LornaBub on May 05, 2020 at 05:00PM

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  • Posted by MrsBoggs May 05, 2020 at 22:46

    While I agree that all people should have some other person to reach out to, it should happen in household units, rather than restricted to the "one designated person".
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