Allow outdoor activities in small groups

Allowing outdoor activities in small groups would pose a minimal additional transmission risk, and significantly improve people's physical and mental health.

Why the contribution is important

Outdoor activities in small groups, with appropriate precautions (hand hygiene, face masks if necessary, and 2m distancing as much as possible), would give significant physical and mental health benefits with minimal additional risk of transmission.
For example, being able to walk in the park with parents/grandparents, and kids being able to kick a football around with their mates, would considerably ease the mental pressures of lockdown.
This is far more important to many of us than "getting back to work" which seems to be the focus of so much of the discussion in the press.

by JeremyMorris on May 06, 2020 at 02:22PM

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Based on: 23 votes


  • Posted by colinsparling May 06, 2020 at 20:32

    I would support for the reasons given
  • Posted by Free May 06, 2020 at 22:32

    Scotland has vast areas - let's make use of this beautiful resource for our mental and physical health. This should be at the level for each individual. If that means a walk in the park or a day in the hills or on the sea. Happy to do this on own, with one other or a defined social bubble. Let's prioritise our mental and physical health now R is down to around 1. We need this to help our immune system and long term health
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