Allow outdoor activity more than once a day

Amid all the ideas for increasing the scope for outdoor activity (as being important for health and well-being), the simplest is to allow people to go out at least twice a day for exercise - whilst observing strict social distancing. If this threatens to make streets/parks too crowded, there could be rules about who is allowed out when - specified parts of the day for adults, for the elderly, for families with children, ... .

Why the contribution is important

A simple way of increasing outdoor access.

by seventyplus on May 08, 2020 at 11:33AM

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  • Posted by slimbofat May 08, 2020 at 12:18

    Exercise outdoors is a ‘reasonable excuse’ to be outside of your house - there is legally no restriction on how many times a day you can do this. Exercising once a day is purely UK/Scottish Government advice. Agree with changing the advice but trying to bring in extra rules alongside this would likely prove confusing and does not seem based on any scientific evidence.
  • Posted by deky1boy May 08, 2020 at 12:36

    I suspect most people are already going out when they want to but as long as they maintain social distancing I do not see it as a problem. Better for health and mental well-being .
  • Posted by Sulphonamide May 08, 2020 at 13:03

    I agree...but, even if it has never been spelled out as such, if everyone heads out to the park for 9 hrs or 3 x 3 hrs instead of 1 x 1 hr....then the park is going to be too full for anyone to socially distance. Those who already feel no reason not to ignore the "suggestion" that 30 - 60 minutes should be enough for them (an absurd suggestion to many) already are - and quite legally, as mentioned above. If this is removed then everyone will do it - which is fair and equitable...but perhaps not necessarily helpful right now. If this were combined with an acceptance that people could range a little further afield and thus spread out more, then it would be fine though.
  • Posted by roobie May 10, 2020 at 10:53

    We are already able to exercise multiple times a day with no limit of time, the only place where exercising once a day only was legally enforced was in Wales. I'm not sure why people think the concession on exercise multiple times a day is something new.
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