Allow parents the choice on whether to send kids back to school

Some parents may not feel it is safe to send their kids back to school when they re-open, allow these parents to continue with home school if they wish, provide technical support to enable this to happen

Why the contribution is important

Some households that have school age children contain people that may not qualify for shielding but still have underlying health conditions that would make them at greater risk of serious illness or worse if virus is contracted.

by PeachesHumph on May 05, 2020 at 02:01PM

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  • Posted by dalrob1964 May 05, 2020 at 14:04

    keep kids off till after the summer break.
    wait till TTI is up and working then schools can be returned when the R is really low
  • Posted by GMac May 05, 2020 at 14:22

    I totally agree with this! If schools open before the summer I will not be sending mine.
  • Posted by brookescomms May 05, 2020 at 14:30

    For some year groups eg P7 transition and S4/5, this is a crucial time as they move up to a new stage in their learning. Whilst some children are in supportive home environments, many other children need the stability of school to help ensure their physical and mental wellbeing.
    The science is strongly suggesting that children are one of the lowest risk categories for spreading Coronavirus, so plans should be drawn up to allow a safe and phased return to school before the summer break
  • Posted by PeachesHumph May 05, 2020 at 15:34

    @brookescomms hence why I said allow those who don’t want to send kids back to have that choice, it won’t be for all, but I believe as a responsible parent, I should be allowed that choice.
    With regard to what science is strongly suggesting - it depends on what reports you read, recent findings in Germany suggest that kids can contract and spread the virus the same as adults.
    Being in several “at risk groups” but not officially shielding, I firmly believe that my kids would rather keep me safer by doing home school and possibly having to do some catch up work, than lose me to a virus.
  • Posted by Kirklistonjohn May 06, 2020 at 02:22

    Remote teaching should be increased but be more focused and teacher led - especially create the opportunity for one to one video links for tutorials between teacher and pupil.
    This would take the weight of parents especially key workers and those working at home and tap in to the vast teacher at home resource.
  • Posted by dundee20 May 10, 2020 at 11:03

    It should be a parental choice.
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