Allow performance program athletes to return to full training

Many performance program athletes have had to limit or stop training as a result of facility closures and social distancing. Institute of Sport gyms, velodromes and similar facilities that cannot be replicated at home need to be made available as soon as possible to limit the damage being done to the careers of young athletes. Given that there are limited numbers of athletes in this category it should be possible to maintain social distancing. Where coaching precludes social distancing coaches and athletes should be able to form a bubble.

Why the contribution is important

Interruption to the development of young athletes will have a prolonged effect on their future careers and is having an acute impact on the mental and physical well-being of some of those affected.

by gpenny on May 05, 2020 at 01:28PM

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  • Posted by Ed May 05, 2020 at 13:46

    Absolutely agree.

    Sports such as swimming for an example will suffer the cost of which is alarming to even think about.
    Young athletes need to be able to return to the sporting activities they love - this will not only allow them to continue to grow int heir sport, but it will give them an escape from this mess we are in.
    Being away form friends, school, day trips is having an awful toll.
    Performance athletic young people are very unlikely to become seriously ill form this virus.

    It is not s simple as saying 'go for a run'

    Whoever sees these comments form he government, please strongly consider the opening of pools, velodromes and other venues were particular sports and the young athletes that take part in those sports is being impacted.
  • Posted by ABDX14 May 05, 2020 at 13:46

    Sadly sporting ability does not provide protection from this virus - careers and education of young people are being impacted in all walks of life but this is the price of keeping them safe.
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