Allow safe travel to rural areas

. I would urge consideration for safe travel to rural areas whilst ensuring social distancing rules. For example those in the same household could travel, by car to visit beaches etc., whilst observing the necessary protection measures. Should they visit a local business ( eg shop) they would observe the same rules as in urban areas. Perhaps a small way to start ?

Why the contribution is important

Our rural economy is critical to our country. Deeply concerned that our rural hospitality industry will not recover from this.

by AllanL on May 06, 2020 at 07:25AM

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  • Posted by camerj May 06, 2020 at 11:44

    No, no, no
  • Posted by sbecker May 06, 2020 at 12:18

    I agree with the original poster and wholeheartedly disagree with "camerj".

    Measures like the restrictions on travel and guidance against outdoor activity were deemed necessary because of the fear that the NHS would be imminently and catastrophically overrun by Covid-19 patients. This has not happend and now that we are past the peak and hospitals have not been catastrophically overrun as initially feared, restrictions on travel and outdoor access enacted in response to that fear, should now be lifted.

    Accessing outdoor spaces is good for mental health and essential for rural economies as the OP has made clear. Furthermore in outdoor spaces social distancing guidance easy to follow. Continuing to unnecessarily restrict travel and outdoor access because of a perceived threat that never actually materialised can no longer be justified.
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