Allow some form of provision for those living with Dementia

Social stimulation is one of the best ways of preventing deterioration in those living with dementia. For those living alone it is essential. For those living with a partner or relative the caregiver needs a break from the strain of caring 24/7 and the person with dementia needs to access activities. Limited provision of day centre activities even if only for a few hours a week could make a huge difference to the person living with Dementia and could help prevent Carer burnout.

Why the contribution is important

As above to support the person with dementia to continue as well as possible for as long as possible and to give Carers a much needed respite.

by mwsutherland on May 05, 2020 at 04:22PM

Current Rating

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Based on: 12 votes


  • Posted by Sheenbean May 05, 2020 at 18:19

    Absolutely agree
    24/7 with my husband who has Alzheimers for the last 7 weeks without the activities and carer support for social interaction has had a significant detrimental effect on his abilities and for my own mental health. Very stressful for us both with no respite.
  • Posted by DuckPondFan May 05, 2020 at 19:51

    Agree. The changes in routine for those who have dementia are stressful for both them and their carer. Having looked after my mother for 5 years, and also worked professionally as a carer, I am well aware of the extra stresses lockdown is having on carers and those being cared for.
  • Posted by JAd May 08, 2020 at 16:50

    Allow private Carers / other family members permission to take relatives with dementia outdoors to walk - hugely beneficial for us in managing condition with a relative who pays for private care
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