Allow SOME to be added to your 'social bubble'

I believe we should be allowed to select a set number of people (somewhere between 3 to 10) to come in contact with. With most friends, keeping in touch online is acceptable and manageable for most people, even for an extended period of time. However, it is causing a real strain on other forms of relationships, e.g. people in committed relationships, who aren't allowed to see each other, simply because they don't live together. I also see a need for being able to see close family members that aren't living in the same household, if they aren't in a high risk category. And for some, who are living alone and none of the above applies, it would mean meeting a best friend or colleague that they haven't been able to see because of lockdown.

Why the contribution is important

The prolonged lockdown is causing mental health issues: depression, loneliness, feeling disconnected. We should allow people to be with who are 'closest' to them, which is not necessarily defined as family or any other legally acknowledged relationship, and cannot be determined by physical distance between the households either.

by JuditG on May 05, 2020 at 04:02PM

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  • Posted by MrsBoggs May 06, 2020 at 00:25

    I don't think we should restrict this by numbers of people. It penalises large families if the maximum is 10 (a few posters recommend 10), at the same time allowing singletons to have a party. Whatever social bubble is created, it needs to be based on household units and give consideration to the needs of the individuals within it.
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