Allow Travel To A Second Home

Allow travel to a second home in Scotland only.
Notice of moving to the second home should be given through an online booking system.
The move should then be authorised permitting the following -
1. The travellers do not have the virus or symptoms
2. They do have a second home
3. They are not coming and going as they wish

Why the contribution is important

Allowing the movement to a second holiday home will allow a change of scenery for those stuck in doors.
As long as those going adhere to lockdown rules it would be beneficial to complete any home improvements during this lockdown.
It would also be massively beneficial for mental health and physical well-being.

by David2001 on May 11, 2020 at 09:40PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.0
Based on: 2 votes


  • Posted by Ideas81 May 11, 2020 at 21:51

    People shouldn’t be allowed to travel to second homes in remote areas as they will add to burden on smaller healthcare facilities in these areas however if someone has a second home in a larger town or city then they should be able to visit to check/maintain the property
  • Posted by David2001 May 11, 2020 at 21:54

    I disagree somewhat to IDEAS81 comment.
    If the process described above is carried out and those who go to the second home stay in lockdown there and limit contact and outings their should be a lower chance of burdening the health system
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