Allow visits of partners

Allow visits to boyfriend or girlfriend, if not already living together

Why the contribution is important

Mental health is affected majorly by separation, would put a lot of individuals and couples at ease

by lms1999 on May 05, 2020 at 01:33PM

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  • Posted by coltuck May 05, 2020 at 13:57

    Relaxing the rule for seeing partners helps boost mental state and social interaction.
  • Posted by jcpren May 05, 2020 at 14:04

    I agree with this suggestion. My partner and I live separately, alone in each household, and the current situation is putting a terrible strain on us. What would be the harm in visiting each other, since neither of us risks carrying the virus to/from anyone else?
  • Posted by Margaret0308 May 05, 2020 at 14:11

    Totally agree with this. Partners need to be able to travel to see one another - current isolation is a massive strain
  • Posted by Vrony May 05, 2020 at 14:16

    also agree with partners that both live alone perhaps have the option for 1 to temporary relocate to their partner. I am healthy, working full time. 'from home', in essential welfare role, living alone in a bedsit, with no access to garden or suitable work space. Partner, also healthy, lives 2.5 hours away, alone in own house with garden. The option to temporary relocate until I can go back to normal working practices with clients would be amazing. Therefore please consider the option of those of us that live alone the option to temporary relocate in this crisis to a friend/partner/relative who is also living alone.
  • Posted by johnbiggar May 05, 2020 at 14:20

    If Carrie Syminds can live in three different houses and move in with Boris then others should be alliwed to do the same.
  • Posted by SRuss91 May 05, 2020 at 14:23

    I am totally on board with this idea. I have been separated from my partner for 7 weeks and i have never experienced such low mental health. Virtual dates just don't do the same job.
  • Posted by dsysa May 05, 2020 at 14:29

    This is trending top so helping to keep it there. Not just partners though household bubbles should also be allowed between friends/family. Same logic applies. Needed for mental health and ongoing concordance with regulations and trust in govt
  • Posted by ganderson May 05, 2020 at 14:41

    I 100% agree with this - the emotional support and mental wellbeing would be hugely beneficial. separated from my partners for 7 weeks suffering more than an average couple because we haven't bought our new home together yet. This needs to be implemented to ensure ongoing compliance.
  • Posted by Gillian66 May 05, 2020 at 14:50

    Absolutely agree. Live in a household with three adults all separated from partners. Relationship stress is not a goal of this process and people need to be able to spend time with partners without having to move in with them which would raise a whole host of other issues
  • Posted by JaneySue May 05, 2020 at 14:53

    It’s been six weeks since lockdown and new households pads are bound to have been created in this time - it’s a very low short term risk to allow two single people to meet up or move in together.

    I’m amazed that some people commenting don’t move in with their partners. Do they really think the police will knock on their doors and forcibly separate them?
  • Posted by fplain May 05, 2020 at 15:23

    Completely agree this for many is an essential part of easing lockdown - not all couples are in a position to live together and this is taking a heavy toll on many people's mental wellbeing.
  • Posted by LB May 05, 2020 at 15:25

    Many couples do not have a ‘conventional’ living situation or are married. They are no less a couple because they live in a different house. Most share and stay between houses. I think that many have been asked to live without the support of a long term partner and the impact has been massive on mental health. For fairness and because it’s low risk, this should be allowed for couples ASAP.
  • Posted by Scotelka May 05, 2020 at 15:58

    I fully support an idea of two single people, who live alone, to be able to move in together into one household. What about people who can't move in though? What about people whose partner lives in a different city or even country? What about partners who live with a vulnerable person? It would be very difficult to manage and could create a sense of unfairness for people who would be excluded. The government needs to provide clear guidance which isn't based on singular scenario and be sure they don't treat some people unfairly.
  • Posted by SconeBurns May 05, 2020 at 16:08

    I would be more specific re partners seeing each other.

    It should be permitted if one or both partners live on their own. If only one of the partners has children living with them, this should be permitted too as that is exactly what is happening right now in most family situations where two adults and children are living together.

    I think however, where for example students are sharing a flat together with several other students, relationships in that scenario are clearly a substantially greater risk between households re virus transmission. I leave it for others to assess that risk!
  • Posted by lewisingram_ May 05, 2020 at 16:16

    Honestly surprised this idea hasn't already been implemented, or at least discussed. It is an easy and low-risk first step to start easing us out of lockdown. What is the harm in couples that live apart who are both not working and have no symptoms, going round to each other's house? There is very little risk of coming into contact with Covid-19 as it is literally just two people together inside. Younger people are less at risk anyway, so it's time to start getting life back on track. The government have the people on side for now, but the longer people are kept under virtual house arrest, the more I fear people will start to rebel against the rules, which will put more strain on police resources. Are we still treating couples that live a 30-minute drive apart as criminals for driving out to see each other, or put them in the same category as people openly flouting lockdown by having large parties at home or out in the open? It's time to stop guilt-tripping grown adults and let us use our common sense. If not, will the government take responsibility for couples counselling and therapy after all this is over? Or provide compensation to couples for months of lost time? I doubt it. People need a light at the end of the tunnel, some positive news that changes are coming. The Scottish Government spoke of treating us like adults, it's time they start doing so.
  • Posted by kimdenton May 05, 2020 at 16:23

    I think that this is an important first step to easing the lockdown. Couples that are healthy should be allowed to see each other as this is an extremely important part of people’s lives. Not all couples live together but that doesn’t make it less important for them to see each other. It has been a very long time that couples have been kept apart and I think it would be very beneficial to allow them to see each other once again.
  • Posted by scotm9490 May 05, 2020 at 16:35

    I think this should be one of the first actions taken when it comes to easing lockdown, as keeping people apart like this is extremely detrimental to each other's wellbeing and mental health. Me and my partner both live on our own, but they live in England, so for my own personal situation, I would require guidance that means it's safe for me to do so. If both live on their own, this is also an easy way of tracking and tracing the infection, as it eliminates the amount of people that they could have been exposed to.
  • Posted by msinclair May 05, 2020 at 16:39

    I agree with this idea: As there was a rush into lockdown, not all couples got the opportunity to choose their living situation and some would now look to move in together etc (change their current set up) and so the chance to allow couples to do this is vital for mental health and general wellbeing.
  • Posted by jockmonkey May 05, 2020 at 16:41

    We are all adults.. well most of us are. Having not seen my partner in almost 7 weeks, the continued strain is affecting mental health and wellbeing. If you visit each other at home, then surely whats the significant risk. I've been furloughed and now back to WFH, I think we're at more risk going to the supermarket. You'll get much more compliance and co-operation from the public if they are happy and satisfied with life. The lack of "fun" like pubs, restaurants, sports, holidays, cinema's etc means people are needing that close human interaction. I don't live in the same town, but travelling in my own vehicle to see my girlfriend not on public transport means I'm not putting anyone else including myself at risk

    Value peoples relationships. and we'll support every measure you need support with
  • Posted by ljk84 May 05, 2020 at 17:00

    completely agree
  • Posted by ADman May 05, 2020 at 17:29

    Couldn't agree more with others' comments. I just want to be able to meet my fiancé again. She actually lives in England and I'm in Scotland, and not being able to drive to meet her for the past weeks is putting horrendous strain on my mental health.
  • Posted by Faith May 05, 2020 at 17:40

    I have not seen my partner since 23rd of March. He has his house - where he lives alone, and I share my house with my grown up son and his partner - who has lived under my roof for the past 3 years - effecfively - recently, it's been constant two grown up adults, living under my roof; both furloughed from their work, and myself - just recently returned to work, as an essential worker, after self-isolating with symptoms of Co-vid 19, then being furloughed. I know we are not alone with household tensions, angst, worries, stress, fear; and also everyone wanting to get a bit of peace from each other.

    Life before lock-down, allowed myself and my partner, to go back and forth, from North Side to South Side, with each other, to each other's homes, so therefore; essentially: we were together the majority of the time, apart from the days, were work commitments didn't allow us to spend the night together (that was hard for me, this is off the scale now.)

    My point is: we are struggling immeasurably - emotionally, physically, and mentally, as the weeks go on, as we are unable to see each other, to meet up, or spend any precious time in each other's houses. I personally have mental health issues, as I suffer from various debilitating symptoms, as a result of having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ Fibromyalgia - amongst other health issues.

    My partner is the most wonderful person I have ever known, loved and adored, he is my absolute rock, and I feel lost, without him, to the point my health is deteriorating at an alarming rate. We have been together for four years, and these past 6/7 weeks without each other, feels like an eternity of pain, anguish and indescribable heart break.

    I would like to know why in England, people can leave their homes, to go and stay with a friend or partner, in their home; for a couple of days, to escape perhaps tensions and anxiety - for example - culminated from their grown up children "getting under their feet" etc., why isn't this allowed thus far here in Scotland?

    Will it be possible for me to go and stay with my partner or visit him at his home soon?

    I am struggling and need to be with him.

    Please First Minister, consider my plight, please find a way to help my partner, me and many others like us.

    Thank you.
  • Posted by morvenghunter May 05, 2020 at 17:41

    I think it’s hugely important to allow couple to see one another. There is obviously the need to minimise the risk involved but keeping people apart is detrimental to their mental health.
  • Posted by Jess May 05, 2020 at 17:58

    Agree with this. It would daughter greatly to see her other half.
  • Posted by Gills May 05, 2020 at 19:28

    I think emotional well-being should be first priority when thinking of measures to lift lockdown and this would definitely support those living alone.
  • Posted by onyerbike May 05, 2020 at 19:38

    Think of the environment and find a partner who lives nearer. All this talk of travel is ridiculous.
  • Posted by DLC May 05, 2020 at 19:40

    Completely agree with all of these comments
  • Posted by beykayak May 05, 2020 at 19:45

    Totally agree that this should be in the the first wave of changes that are applied. You can have 2 people living alone in 2 houses that are partners who have been unable to see each other for 7 weeks so far. Whilst I understand this increases the risk of infection it is a essential step to getting out of lockdown and giving people some of their life and emotional well-being back. Especially if they are both working from home and complying with lockdown rules this would seem a natural next step and would have a big impact on many people. This has to be more important than opening drive through coffee houses and such businesses that attract far more people.
  • Posted by julselis May 06, 2020 at 02:26

    No offence to all the loving couples on here, but I'm disabled ('merely' disabled, not high risk or vulnerable!) and I live alone. I haven't been able to have even a friend visit me with some shopping or for a chat over a coffee for 7 weeks purely due to the social distancing rules...don't you understand that this is taking it's toll on everyone who is separated from their main source(s) of support? I miss seeing my best friend terribly, we both live alone too but they aren't my partner.

    Do you think I should be left here alone & isolated whilst you all are given priority?

    Perhaps we could all join together and start calling for ALL of us to be able to see / engage with at least one other person instead??
  • Posted by littlemiele May 06, 2020 at 08:48

    Me and my partner live in the same city, but decided it was too early to move in together. Not being able to see him has been really difficult for my mental health, my opportunities of being close with someone in these difficult times. I live with a flatmate, so feel quite lonely. Please help
  • Posted by Karenperks May 06, 2020 at 11:36

    My two teenage daughters need to see their boyfriends. This would mean three families being exposed to each other. This could be our “bubble” and we would refrain from seeing anyone else?
  • Posted by Wishfuldreamer May 06, 2020 at 11:48

    100% agree with this, my boyfriend and I have been apart the 7 weeks as I was supposed to be working but have instead been furloughed. He is 60miles away and we both live alone. All I want is to be able to move to his and live out the rest of lockdown with him.. my mental health is a shambles due to the unknown of not knowing when we will see each other again. And also being alone in this lockdown is awful. Would definitely back this as a next step
  • Posted by sophiep63 May 06, 2020 at 13:37

    Completely agree, this should be one of the first changes in lockdown being able to see your partner in each other’s households. 7 weeks without seeing your partner is taking a huge toll on mental health and well being.
  • Posted by April1886 May 06, 2020 at 15:22

    Partners should be allowed to see each other; perhaps ever move in with one another. I know of a lot of couples who had they have known how long lockdown would be would have moved in at the start and are now struggling, feeling very lonely and alone, as a result of being isolated from one another.

  • Posted by HanSolo May 06, 2020 at 16:51

    Fully agree with this, visiting a partner at home, in isolation together, with no symptoms is a better quality of life.

    Visiting, doesn't mean we need to live together, as things like pets, and other requirements necessary at the other dwelling, mean partners cannot easily do so. However, a few nights together should be allowable.
  • Posted by SAM May 06, 2020 at 17:27

    I suffer from severe anxiety. My mental health has never been so bad. Being separated from my partner has been utterly horrific and a terrible strain - on both of us.

    While in isolation he's also experienced the death of 2 close family members in a short space of time and had to also deal with this on his own.
  • Posted by Ryda May 06, 2020 at 23:20

    I agree
  • Posted by m33kkt May 06, 2020 at 23:54

    I definitely agree with this one. Many partners don’t live together and it will help mental health greatly if this is allowed. I’ve not felt this down in ages because of not being able to see my partner
  • Posted by Littld May 07, 2020 at 06:42

    I would suggest a first step is to encourage those living alone to decide whether or not to move into the same household as their partner. I would have thought this has already happened on a wide scale.
  • Posted by clh26 May 07, 2020 at 09:54

    Definitely agree with this one, had felt as though this area had been forgotten about throughout but would have such huge benefits for mental health.
  • Posted by Bethan11 May 07, 2020 at 10:10

    I agree that seeing partners is massively important and two partners living on their own is low risk so they should be allowed to see each other. However a problem lies in relationships where partners do not live alone (living with flatmates/family etc.). The social bubble rule is not necessarily a solution to this since households may likely be made up of different friendship groups so forming a bubble would be difficult e.g. for young people living at home with their parents, their parents may have different friends leaving the young people unable to see their own friendship group under bubble conditions. I don't necessarily know a way around this but it must be taken into account that young people living in such situations are likely to suffer more if the bubble conditions were implemented (they would not be able to see their friends despite being a low risk group).
  • Posted by Goldfish May 07, 2020 at 14:12

    Fully agree that partners, particularly those who both live alone and so may be deemed a lower risk, should be permitted to see each other in the interests of promoting their mental health and wellbeing. I am sure that many couple who do not live together are already visiting each other to combat their mental health difficulties whilst fearing being reported by neighbours.
  • Posted by DW19871 May 07, 2020 at 15:23

    I agree with the idea of this being a first step in the easing of restrictive measures. My partner and I both live alone, and have not seen each other for almost 11 weeks (due his working offshore prior to the start of lockdown). We live 35 miles from one another, and I'm concerned any lifting of restrictions to just those "within the local area" will not allow for us to see one another for who knows how long, the uncertainty of which is having a huge impact on us.

    I appreciate there are people who live alone and who do not have partners, so also agree with above suggestions that being allowed to see even 1 or 2 immediate family/supportive others is imperative for sustaining mental health and wellbeing in this difficult and uncertain time.
  • Posted by Sara May 07, 2020 at 20:07

    I feel this is very important as households today are not just defined by the people immediately under a roof. Myself and my partner live in different houses but have always considered ourselves as one extended household. We would be happy as well as many others to only mix with partners as they are many times classed as same immediate group. I think the definition of households needs to redefined in this day and age.
  • Posted by Ollybroadhurst May 07, 2020 at 23:01

    I agree
  • Posted by JohntheHedge May 08, 2020 at 12:55

    If partners don't live together - then there is as strong chance they are completely alone. I think it's vital that we find ways to allow those who are completely alone to be able to interact with someone. A close friend or partner is an ideal person.
  • Posted by sbriggs04 May 08, 2020 at 15:20

    I complete agree this. Not being able to see my partner for 7weeks now, has caused extreme distress to my mental health.
  • Posted by Tara May 08, 2020 at 18:36

    Will help with people's mental health
  • Posted by Rachel_T1502 May 08, 2020 at 22:26

    Definitely agree is essential for mental health and psychological well-being of society in general on a larger scale
  • Posted by Louise21994 May 09, 2020 at 00:33

    Much the same many above on this. I’m 25 and I live alone due to my partners financial reasons; my partner is less than 2km away from me in his family home - he would stay with me at the weekends and twice during the week - I now have not had any physical contact with my partner of 4 years for 7 weeks now because of the restrictions. I have pretty bad anxiety issues and I’m prone to panic attacks and he was a massive part of my moral and mental support - I am a key NHS worker and I’ve tried my best to keep going but it’s starting to seem like a mountainous task and honestly I did break down the other day at work wondering if it’s going to be worth living anymore; I’m far from complaining about being an NHS worker we do our jobs to help the nation, our patients AND the government but I’m only human too and being kept in confinement away from my partner and I really need him more than ever.
  • Posted by dtmfom May 09, 2020 at 01:41

    Believe from friends in Italy that this was one of the first measures introduced in Italy, ie that partners in a stable relationship could see each other again. We should follow suit
  • Posted by Pegger May 09, 2020 at 13:31

    I agree, this would be a huge positive benefit with relatively low risk, especially for partners where one or both are living alone (like me). But: +1 to julselis and any other commenters who pointed out that single people living alone are perhaps even worse off and shouldn't be forgotten. I would be in favour of allowing anyone living alone to have contact with one other household.
  • Posted by LBrown23 May 09, 2020 at 21:06

    This would be hugely valuable, allowing two committed partners to support each other would massively help and could even reduce risk of transmission, eg only one person shopping rather than two. It is not always possible for people to move in together, for example not enough space for all children, or , if both partners working from home, not enough space/equipment for two home offices. Strongly agree with this proposal
  • Posted by stephanderson May 09, 2020 at 23:29

    This would ease so many anxieties for so many people. Should be one of the first things to be looked at. Would be a step in the right direction for mental health especially at this stage, 7 weeks in.
  • Posted by Cate01 May 10, 2020 at 16:34

    Completely agree with this suggestion. It is so important for our wellbeing and mental health to be able to see our partners! I live alone and have not seen my partner in over 7 weeks, moving in together was not an option for us as he has a child I have not yet met. I think the risk of the virus spreading by allowing this would be minimal especially if at least one of you lives on your own as that is the end of a chain. I think the mental benefits it would bring far out ways the risks and also would mean people are going to be happier to live by all the other lockdown rules for longer. I also think it is equally important for single people living on their own to be allowed to link up with at least one other.
  • Posted by IMcK May 11, 2020 at 20:44

    I agree with this and many similar suggestions to allow households to interact with small numbers of other households. Even if each household can only pick one other household to partner with, it would make the world of difference. Or maybe you get to visit one other household per week. Still relatively low risk with a lot of upside.
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