Allowance of short distance car journeys for disabled

People with mobility difficulties to be allowed car use to enhance possibilities to exercise outdoors.

Why the contribution is important

With mobility difficulties, it can be impossible to access a quiet area for restorative time and exercise outdoors without use of a vehicle.

by Dunlin on May 05, 2020 at 11:32PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 4.3
Based on: 6 votes


  • Posted by nearly70 May 06, 2020 at 11:44

    As a disabled person who cannot walk for exercise, being allowed a short car journey in the local area (not getting out of the car) just to connect with the outside as those who exercise do would be welcome. It could be regulated by only allowing those who are registered disabled or who have a Blue Badge to participate.
  • Posted by Muriel May 06, 2020 at 15:43

    Having mobility problems I usually drive to a local park to walk my dog on a soft surface. I was horrified to find the park gates chained- not several weeks ago but YESTERDAY for the first time.
    The local authority does this for the first time on 4th May while announcing that cleansing facilities will be expanded on 11th May. Sensible or not?
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