Allowing pre-agreed house sales to progress

A sale was agreed for my property prior to lockdown, but the day the papers were all due to be signed lockdown was announced, and the government closed the land registry of Scotland without any warning to Solicitors or Estate agents. For sales which are already agreed between a buyer and a seller, why can't these go ahead when there is very little, if any, contact required between people? My own sale does not require me to come into close contact with anyone, yet I am still the owner of a property I should have sold at the end of March, and have not lived in since then. There is no chain involved in my sale either, as I have not bought another property, and the purchaser is a first time buyer.

Why the contribution is important

The property market is very important for the economy. I, amongst others, am losing money daily still being the owner of a property that I don't live in any more. I am still paying council tax for an area I don't live in along with factor fees and other bills. Sales already agreed should be able to progress as there is very little, if any, contact required to complete the sale.

by vl3092 on May 05, 2020 at 01:19PM

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  • Posted by Ranger2dog May 05, 2020 at 13:31

    Must be allowed.
  • Posted by Nicola0110 May 05, 2020 at 13:34

    Allow any house sales to progress when social distancing can be followed
  • Posted by lalpton May 05, 2020 at 13:35

    Very much agreed. I am in a similar situation. We need to get property surveyors an removal companies / van hire companies working again very quickly in what is a relatively low risk industry compared with many that have stayed open throughout.
  • Posted by Edinproperty May 05, 2020 at 13:52

    Absolutely agree. Property transactions should be allowed to progress.

    Removal firms can wear masks and gloves. I’m sure they would gladly get back to work so their businesses don’t collapse.
  • Posted by AlisonS May 05, 2020 at 15:58

    Yes please. We desperately need to move, our purchase is through need not want and my husband is disabled. I've watched his health get steadily worse over the last few weeks as the stress of being stuck in just one room has got to him. I worry that by the time I do get to move it will be too late.

  • Posted by ItsYourMove May 06, 2020 at 22:29

    Registers of Scotland have put in place online facilities for solicitors which should help progress some sales, but the solicitors themselves need to be positively encouraged to keep transactions alive - staying touch with all parties and explaining the state of play. Some have not only pulled down the shutters but stuck their fingers in their ears as well. They need to be warned this is over-reaction and is helping noone.
  • Posted by smcb May 07, 2020 at 13:58

    Absolutely agree.
     There does not seem to be any logical reason why mutually agreed sales cannot proceed to conclusion and subsequent moving. If the ROS is now accessible, lenders are now able to concentrate on making attractive loan products available and estate agents/solicitors are keen to protect their projected income why aren't we moving?
    Even proposed entry dates subject to removers confirming social distancing measures are in place would shine a ray of light.
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