Allowing Train Travels to Seaside Location s

I started working from home on Wednesday 18th March and continue to do so. I find it very hard to reset my mind and recharge batteries after work. I don't have a garden and/or a trace. I live in a town centre with limited access to green spaces. I don't own a car. I try my best with walks near where I live. But I can tell that my mental health and wellbeing suffer. I want to be able to visit my regular spots for walks. I believe but is possible to do so in a safe manner.

Why the contribution is important

Mental health and wellbeing are crucial for people like me to continue our working from home duties.

by Buchling on May 08, 2020 at 01:57PM

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  • Posted by mariekilmarnock May 08, 2020 at 14:09

    Whilst I do sympathise with people living alone and working from home I do not believe that going by train or bus to seaside spots can be safely monitored and social distancing can be enforced. Also what about the staff needed to run the train services? What about their mental health, worrying about catching the virus? Particularly those that would have to sanitize the full train? No, it's not necessary to risk more people's lives to reduce the stress levels of people.
  • Posted by cobweb4moth May 08, 2020 at 23:38

    I think that is reasonable ,the trains are running anyway, limit the number of people to a carriage ,provide hand sanitizer, train staff have full ppe on , let's support the people that are struggling with their mental health.
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