an App for Non-Essential Outings

Release an app for booking non-essential outing days.

When the time comes in the future for restrictions to ease safely, give people a safe, permitted and controlled way to enjoy it.

People could still go out for essential reasons on ANY day of the week, but would need to book certain days in advance via an app to go out for the NON-ESSENTIAL reasons such as a socially distanced coffee, restaurant meal, picnic, game of football, etc...

The app will recommend less busy days, and eventually block certain days after those days fully book out. People could also book a certain amount of time in advance, for holidays from essential work.

Perhaps priority could even be given to essential workers.

This will prevent masses of people descending on to beaches, or on to the streets, or to newly opened restaurants and newly opened places on everybody's favourite days of the week (Fridays and Saturdays), all at the same time, after restrictions ease.

This will evenly spread out everyone's chances to go out and enjoy the easing restrictions throughout the week, and prevent crowding in places.

Police could still approach groups to question them but they could use the app to prove they are allowed to be out.

Personally I would feel much safer and enjoy using such an app.

Why the contribution is important

The big concern is that everyone will rush out at once, or some won't go out at all out of fear even if the restrictions are gone, depending on people's fear levels - either too low, or too high.

We need to prevent public places from crowding. Nobody can stop this, unless there is an app!

Let people book certain days of the week or month for going out for non-essential reasons, via the app.

by scotjs on May 06, 2020 at 03:21AM

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  • Posted by Ayrshire92 May 06, 2020 at 09:06

    Good idea in principle but not everyone has a smartphone. In Italy and Spain people have had to download a form and take it with them along with ID when they're moving around. A combination of both should be considered for Scotland
  • Posted by Jacjam May 06, 2020 at 17:31

    In France they have to take a form with them too but they have to download that form and print it. I think this is a good idea to make people think about when they leave the house.
  • Posted by rhkirsty May 10, 2020 at 10:09

    I think this app booking system is an excellent idea, and could especially apply in educational environments such as universities e.g. libraries and other facilities.

    If public places implemented this, this would be reassuring for vulnerable people and give them more freedom to visit these places without the worry of unnecessarily coming into contact with people.

    For older generation/people without smart phones, they could have the option of phoning businesses and booking that way.
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