Approach to Bubble Gatherings

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bubble gatherings starting with seeing 2 people or 1 household outside of your own would make a huge difference to begin with.

perhaps allowing couples who do not live with each other be among the first to be able to see each other.

Why the contribution is important

The mental health of the nation has been detrimentally affected by both Coronavirus and the lockdown itself. I feel that a significant decline in daily human interactions with people out with your household can only persevere for a short amount of time before it begins having a significant toll, bigger than Coronavirus itself. Whilst we have a wealth of services in place to tackle loneliness and mental health, it does not compare to the benefits of in person interaction. I of course understand that any exiting of the lockdown must be gradual, but I do feel that this should be a top priority.

by cbanach on May 06, 2020 at 10:04AM

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